Javascript on the internet always has a CREDIT that include the name of writer, their website, Copyright@ & called your to keep the credit as long as use the Script.
However, Javascript is a simple Scripting Language. Its set of built-in methods is limited. Read any Javascript book teach youself.
I always edit the Javascript copy from Internet. I'm can reduce 2/3 file size(that's useless script) & change it in my own word. I will del the Credit because I can study the script from any script book that I have had pay lots of money or free script teaching website.
If you search Javascript / Java on the internet. You can find out there always has similar script and the same Script can be has different creator in different website. So, the question is who's the original creator? should we del the credit? In my opinion, any script has CREDIT is not create by the credit maker. Don't forget we use the same script language called javaScript. If you said "Hello" has a credit, I said "Hi" has a credit. Other people can say what. Say "kill you??".
Many Java applets have Fake Creator. They put their name & website in the applet. If you del the credit. the applet will not work any more. Are they original creator? I don't think so. The original creators are great open source creators like Linux. They write the applet and SHARE with other people. If you write a applet with credit to make money I have nothing to said. If you just want to put it on the internet the best way is credit less. Otherwise, just play your applet by yourself in your own PC, please, don't put it on the internet. Do you really want other people to use your applet?
Hong Kong government warning you smoking can cause CANCER.
A government warning you smoking can cause you look like ASS.
B government warning you smoking can cause WEAK in SEX.
C government warning you smoking can cause the SIZE of your penis look like a Cigarette.
D government warning you smoking can cause DEATH.
E government warning you smoking can cause your son/daughter smoking before 10 years old.
What ? You don't have any kid . Oh ! I understand smoking decrease your fertility.
I will hack your computer if you done.
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